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Terms & Conditions of Enrolment


In signing or submitting this enrolment form, or in the event that I authorise another party to do this on my behalf, I am declaring that I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions of my enrolment.

1. Enrolment requirements & Student Information

1.1 It is my responsibility to read the Student & Employer Handbook provided to me or visit to review the on-line version of the Student & Employer Handbook so that I am aware of my rights and responsibilities before undertaking the course / qualification I am enrolling in. This handbook is regularly reviewed and updated and reference to this should be made throughout my training.

1.2 I understand the outline of the course / qualification I am enrolling in and agree that the content meets my learning and/or job role requirements.

1.3 I believe that I have the necessary language, literacy and numeracy skills required for undertaking this training; this includes being able to read, record, interpret, research, measure and calculate. I agree to notify the RTO of any special requirements I have in relation to participation in the course in which I am enrolling for prior to my course commencing. Throughout my course, should circumstances present themselves that make it difficult for me to successfully complete my course, I will contact KARBEN Training Solutions as soon as practical to discuss what assistance may be required. Should individual tutoring be required; additional fees may apply.

1.4 Participation in physical activity, field trips, practical demonstrations and simulated workplace scenarios forms an integral part of many of our courses. It is your responsibility to inform the RTO of any medical condition or disability that may require additional assistance or consideration. Each learner is required to provide details of an emergency contact.

2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Current Competencies (RCC)

2.1 How to apply for RCC/RPL. All recognition applications are individually assessed. Submissions must be received in their entirety within the agreed timeframe in accordance with the RPL / RCC policy outlined in the Student & Employer Handbook (only authenticated copies of transcripts will be mutually recognised by the RTO).

3. Identification

3.1 Your enrolment form will only be processed once our office receives all relevant copies of identification including photo ID, visas /passports (if applicable) and where credit or recognition has been applied for, original copies of certificates and / or statements of attainment must have been sighted and provided to the RTO (only authenticated copies of transcripts will be mutually recognised by the RTO).

3.2 Unique Student Identifier (USI): A USI must be provided to the RTO at time of enrolment – should you not have a USI, you will be required to apply for one in accordance with the USI Application Form requirements.

4. Privacy

4.1 In accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP 6) introduces a limited number of new exceptions to the general requirement that an organisation only uses or discloses personal information for the purpose for which the information was collected.

  • These exceptions include where the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary:
  • To assist in locating a missing person;
  • To establish, exercise or defend a legal or equitable claim; or
  • For the purposes of a confidential alternative dispute resolution.

4.2 In accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APP 11) the RTO will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from interference, in addition to misuse and loss, and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

APP 11 requires an organisation to take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify personal information if the organisation no longer needs it for any authorised purpose. Under APP 11 there are two exceptions to this requirement:

  • The personal information is contained in a Commonwealth record; or
  • The organisation is required by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order to retain the information.

4.3 Access to personal information: In accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APP 12) the RTO will provide individual access to the personal information that it holds about you unless an exception applies.
The RTO will respond to requests for access within a reasonable period and give access in the manner requested if it is reasonable to do so and in accordance with its access & records management policy. If we are unable to provide the requested access, we will provide written reasons for the refusal and the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal. Access may incur reasonable fees and charges – see Student and Employer Handbook”

4.4 The RTO does not rent, share or sell personal information you provide to us except as outlined in 4.1 and as per the Australian Privacy Principles (APP 7) – Direct Marketing

4.5 Further information about the Australian Privacy Principles can be found by visiting

4.6 Any pictures taken, work samples submitted, contact information provided or testimonials completed by participants throughout their qualification may be used by KARBEN Training Solutions for future marketing and advertising purposes. I authorise the use of these for such purposes.

4.7 In the event that a student is under the age of 18 years old, KARBEN may be required to obtain contact information, or obtain or verify the student’s personal information with a responsible person, as defined in the Privacy Act 1988. Where a student is undertaking study as part of their formal secondary education via a School Based Traineeship or External VET Provision pathway, the effective delivery of training and assessment involves a vital link between the parties including the Registered Training Organisation, the student, the parent/guardian/responsible person, the school and the employer. In this instance, relevant personal information may be shared by the Registered Training Organisation with the parties involved in the interest of ensuring the effective delivery of training and assessment.

5. Fees and Charges

5.1 Information about the RTO’s Fee Protection Policy can be found in the Student and Employer Handbook under the Fee Administration Policy.

5.2 I understand and agree that by signing this document that the nominated party (as indicated on this form) will be liable for all Course Fees including those associated with participating in Government Funded Programs. I am aware of the RTO’s Fee Administration Policy including associated costs, refunds, levying of fees and the RTO’s fee protection policy.

5.3 If I do not complete my course / qualification by the scheduled completion date and/or Training Plan due dates, additional fees may be charged including a monthly fee or an additional enrolment fee. Full Training Plans (FTP) are provided when a full and / or partial qualification is undertaken – refer to your Student and Employer Handbook for a full explanation of full training plans and their use.

5.4 No certificates, records of achievement, statements of attainment or attendance will be issued until all fees are paid in full by the participant and/or employer as nominated on this form.

5.5 Should I misspell my name or provide incorrect details, additional certificate re-print fees will be charged.

5.6 It is my responsibility to read and complete my assessments prior to assessment visits or due dates.

5.7 I must look after my course resources and bring them to each assessment session.

5.8 I am responsible for any replacement costs of my resources should they be misplaced or damaged.

5.9 I must notify KARBEN Training Solutions a minimum of 3 hours in advance should I not be able to attend a scheduled session / visit. Where sufficient notice is given, workplace visits will be re-scheduled whenever possible. Non-attendance at a visit, failure to submit assessments, repeated cancellations or inadequate notice will result in a reduction of the pre-scheduled workplace visits planned for each calendar year and/or an RTO Notification Form submitted to the Department.

5.10 (Classroom sessions only) I am required to attend a minimum of 80% of the scheduled classroom sessions or non-attendance will be recorded.

5.11 (Classroom sessions only) Non-attendance due to ill-health requires a Doctor’s Certificate.

5.12 Non-attendance from a session will result in a zero (0) refund and fees will still apply.

5.13 It is my responsibility to read and complete any online learning components of my course / qualification (when applicable) prior to attending my course.

5.14 I agree to contact KARBEN Training Solutions immediately if I am unable to meet the agreed payment arrangements should I experience unexpected hardship.

6. Short Course Transfers and Refunds

6.1 Requests to transfer course dates must be received within two (2) days prior to the course commencing. Students who need to transfer their course date may do so once without incurring additional fees. Requests after this time cannot be guaranteed to be accepted and the enrolment fee will be forfeit (see refund policy).

6.2 The student has one (1) month from the original course date to complete their course.

6.3 Students who are not able to complete their training within one (1) month will forfeit the original fees paid.

6.4 KARBEN Training Solutions does not permit the substitution of another student, once a booking has been confirmed.

6.5 No refund or transfer will be given if:

  • The student cancels their enrolment on the day of, or within two (2) days prior days to the course commencing.
  • If the class has already commenced before the student advises non-attendance
  • Due to an emergency, the student has departed the course prior to the course completion however can rebook to an alternative day within 1 month of the original course date.
  • The student does not attend the course
  • The student fails to complete the course
  • The student cannot provide a valid USI
  • The student has been expulsed from scheduled training and assessment sessions by breaching the required code of conduct as described in the Student and Employer Handbook
  • The student has requested a refund after they have attended and completed the course.
  • The student had failed to pay the course fees.

6.6 A full refund of fees paid will be given if:

  • KARBEN Training Solutions cancels a class and cannot nominate a suitable attendance date
  • A notice in writing/email is given minimum two (2) days prior to the commencement of the course
  • The trainer/assessor has established that a reasonable adjustment cannot be made to the student’s language, literacy, and numeracy requirements. (full refund provided)

6.7 All refund requests must be in writing and reference to the request reason and invoice number.

7. Code of Conduct

7.1 I must behave in an ethical, professional and responsible manner throughout the duration of my course / qualification and practical work placement (if applicable) or I may be removed from the course / qualification without refund.

7.2 For courses that require a practical work experience component, I agree to complete these hours as outlined within my training schedule. I understand that I must act in a professional, reliable, and well-presented manner and in accordance with workplace policies and procedures or I may be removed from the worksite. Should removal from a practical work placement block result in unsuccessful completion of the unit’s requirements, you will not be awarded competency for the unit(s) for which the practicum component relates. No refund will apply in such circumstances.

7.3 To ensure optimum learning experience is experienced by all participants, KARBEN Training Solutions reserves the right to cancel any scheduled theory or classroom sessions if insufficient attendees are available for the session. Participants will be provided with as much notice as possible at which time an alternative session may be scheduled.

8. Working with Children’s Checks and Police Checks

8.1 If my course includes coming in contact with children under the age of 18 years of age, I will be required to complete a `Working with Children’s Check’ prior to the course commencement. Alternatively, if I am participating in Aged Care, Disability or similar training, I will also be required to complete the relevant Police Certificate, NDIS Worker Screening checks. These checks are to be completed at my expense and are not included in my course fees. No work placement can be undertaken until these checks have been completed and evidence of such has been provided to the RTO. Clearance confirmations will be provided to the nominated workplace for the purpose of undertaking work placement.

8.2 Should such clearance checks not be approved or cleared through the relevant departments, KTS reserves the right to cancel or suspend the enrolment until such time that the clearance is provided to the RTO.

9. First Aid Certificates

9.1 For courses that require a valid First Aid Certificate, I must complete this training prior to the completion of my course or provide a certified copy of such training with a minimum of 12 months validity remaining or my qualification / course certificate will not be awarded until evidence of such is provided. Unit codes and names must reflect the unit code and name required as listed in the qualification or you may be required to complete further training / assessment.

10. Marketing Use Content

10.1 I give KARBEN TRAINING SOLUTIONS permission to use photos in public material and social media (including any photos where I may be recognised) as may be useful.

10.2 I authorise images of my participation in training to be used by KARBEN TRAINING SOLUTIONS for future marketing and business purposes.

11. Safety and Welfare

11.1 KARBEN Training Solutions is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all staff, visitors and clients, therefore the RTO reserves the right to decline an enrolment, suspend participation of a student, cancel a class or terminate an enrolment should you breech any of the RTO’s policies and / or processes.

11.2 Should you at any time have concerns about the conditions, practice or behaviours of others whilst undertaking your training, you should notify your trainer / assessor immediately.

11.3 Should I require medical assistance whilst undertaking training, I agree to a KTS staff member contacting appropriate emergency services on my behalf should they believe such attention is required.

12. Authority to Proceed

12.1 I understand that course fees are non-refundable except as outlined in the Student & Employer Handbook under the heading: ‘Fee Administration Policy’ and that late fees will apply for late settlements.

12.2 I declare that the information contained within this form has been completed by myself and to the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained on this form is true and correct.

© KARBEN Training Solutions 2025

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